My prime collaborator, Dail Chambers and I were recently notified that we were awarded a $250 grant via the Sprout Change Organization!
Through Dail’s creative non-profit, Yeyo Arts, and the retreat space we co-host, Fannie Lou Hamer House, we plan to provide visual art making and writing opportunities in communities where artists are not usually tapped.
Though Sprout Change decided to cancel the completion due to the COVID19 outbreak, they really wanted to “gift [us] $250 and Thank us for all [we’re] doing for the community!”
Eventually, Jan Marson, the Founder of Nature’s Bakery and Co-Founder of Sprout Change will include Dail and I at a private gathering for grassroots leaders in STL to celebrate us all in person.

The founders of Sprout Change are — Darren Jackson and Jan Marson
Founding Advisors Are:
Clair Antoine
Kieth Turner
Karen Shaw
Cami Thomas
Yay Us!
PS. If you’d like to support the work we’re doing to increase the health, wealth, and safety of Black and Indigenous People of Color, become a patron here: https://www.patreon.com/FannieLouHamerHouse